This is an initiative from WAN-IFRA and facebook.It is a three day webinar (May 11,May 18 and May 25 )
Session 1, 11 May 2021
Time: 11.30-1.00 pm IST
Data Journalism 101
- What is data journalism? Concept and brief historical context.
- What kind of stories can data enable us to do?
- Introduction to the three components of the process –
- Getting data
- Analysing data
- Communicating data
- How to get started? Tools and strategies to start incorporating data in stories.
- Resources
- Q/A
Session 2, 18 May 2021
Time: 11.30 am – 1.00 pm IST
Getting data + analysing data
- What comes first, data set or the story?
- How do you get data
- Download
- Scrape
- Request
- Create your own
- The data cleaning process
- Interviewing datasets
- Is data objective?
- Some common techniques to find stories in data sets
- Outliers
- Trends
- Sampling
- The weird or quirky
Sessio 3, 25-May-2021
Time: 11.30 am – 1.00 pm IST
Communicating with data
- Communicating data in different forms – words, charts, maps, photos, illustrations
- Types of visual encodings in charts
- Quiz – Participants use the chat to recognise different kinds of encodings
- Importance of comparison and context
- Importance of annotations
- Best practices for charts
- Exercise – How to improve visualisations. Show some viz and participants use the chat to tell ways to improve them.