Hans Peter Janisch talks exclusively to www.newspaperdesign.in
It is always great to see storytelling evolve in India. Looking at the budget pages really shows the different approaches to one topic. While many papers still rely on a very classic way of presentation others are clearly influenced by alternative story forms. Among the classic presentations, I would count the “Pioneer” and „Deccan Herald” which works with a simple feature box. As well as the “Asian Age”, whose presentation almost looks the same. In the same category, but with a better visualization of the Indian population is „The Telegraph”. Very old-style are cartoon-based infographics and fact-boxes. We have seen this in India for many years, and it is time to move forward. I would count the presentation of “dt next“ in this category. The “Photoshop-version” of this design idea is seen in many Indian papers nowadays. Instead of a hand-drawing, very dramatic photoshop illustrations are being used. Of course, this feels more up-to-date and surely attracts the reader’s eye. But somehow I am not too fond, of this style. The visualization of „Economic times“ as well as” Times of India” seems to be over the top. It is always a good idea to break down the information with the help of small visual elements. You can see a nice example how the budget affects a family in the “Indian Express”. But among the best pages are the ones, that combine clever illustrations with background information. My favourite ones are the “Hindustan Times” as well as the “The Hindu”. Great art-work, nice presentation! But looking at all those pages and comparing them with Indian newspapers 10 years ago – what a difference!