Het Parool is an Amsterdam-based daily newspaper. It was first published on 10 February 1941 as a resistance paper during the German occupation of the Netherlands (1940–1945). In English, its name means The Password or The Motto.For the last two yearsHet Parool was judged the World Best Designed Newspaper by Society for News Design (SND). Innovative approach of Het Parool to every issue makes it interesting and different
Last month Het Parool surprised everyone with a poem in its page one
Here it is
Page one:May, 4th 2018
Ronald Ockhuysen,Editor-In-Chief of Het Parool talks to www.newspaperdesign.in about his newspaper’s innovative approaches
Above Page one of Het Parool had came out on May, 4th 2018. On this day we remember in The Netherlands the victims of the Second World War (1940-1945).
Our newspaper was founded during this war, in 1940. It was an illegal newspaper these days, and about 60 people were killed by the Nazis for writing, printing or distributing our newspaper.
On this special day – May, 4th – we decided to publish a poem on the front page, written by Judith Herzberg, who is in our country considered as a great author. The poem deals about remembering and the fact we also forget the things which are important or delicate..It is the second time we published a poem on the front page. We did the same on October, 7th 2017, when Eberhard van der Laan, the Mayor of Amsterdam, died.
Page one: October, 7th 2017
These poems emphasize that Het Parool is a different newspaper – our main business is off course news and backgrounds, but the arts and good visuals can also tell important stories. In Het Parool images, portraits and free work play an important role in gaining the attention of the reader.
We were crowned as World’s Best Designed Newspaper twice, in 2017 and 2018. For us this confirms that art directors have to have a huge freedom in the newsroom. The opinion of the art directors and his or her staff mean as much to me as the opinion of our journalists and reporters.
Newspapers have to battle a lot of competitors now a days. We can only win this battle by being headstrong and free in our minds. Sometimes a poem says more than 10000 words.